Saturday, October 15, 2011

Infolinks Review and How to Increase infolinks Earning

I have being using InfoLinks for almost a year now and this InfoLinks review is based upon my experience of using this service. InfoLinks is an in-text advertising service, which means they scan your post, and converts some keywords into advertisements by showing a double underline below them. There are advantages and disadvantages of using the service and below are each of the discussed in detail. Also I will explain how you can increase your InfoLinks earnings and how you can get more targeted advertisements.

Advantages of InfoLinks

Mentioned below are some advantages InfoLinks have compared to few other services.
  • No space required - This is one of the biggest advantages of using this service. As I mentioned above InfoLinks scans your blog and highlights some keywords. So you can utilize the space of your blog for another advertisement service or to highlight other important aspects of your blog.
  • High Click Through Rate - Because the advertisements are most of the time within the post InfoLinks ads tend to have a high click through rate. The click through rate for most of my blogs were more than 6% which is better than most advertisement networks. For people who are new to making money online, click through rate is the number of clicks per 100 ad impressions.
  • Easy Integration - It is very easy to integrate InfoLinks advertisement into your blog. A small java script is generate for you and you just have to add it within your body. There are plug-in's for WordPress users, widgets for Blogspot users and Drupal modules and Joomla modules as well.
  • Can be used with other advertisement networks - Because it is an in-text advertising service you can use it with in conjunction with many other advertisement networks, without violating there terms of service. This includes Adsense as well.
  • Easy to join - You need to have your own domain to join a advertisement network like Adsense, but you can join InfoLinks even if you have only a Blogspot blog, which makes it a good Adsense alternative. You still need to have a quality blog because every blog or website that is accepted to the network has to go through a quality check.
  • Easy to change setting - The basics setting like color of links, number of underlining links, number or links to be highlighted as advertisements and the category of your advertisements can be easily modified without changing the advertisement code.
InfoLinks Review
InfoLinks Review In-Text Advertising

Disadvantages of InfoLinks

There are certain disadvantages of using InfoLinks as well, listed below are some of them.
  • Low Cost Per Click - Although you have a high click through rate with InfoLinks, the cost per click is lower when compared to other networks like Adsense. This should vary according to your niche and in general niches like business and automotive tend to perform well.
  • Very Low pay for International Traffic - If you are not getting a large percentage of your traffic from USA you will see very low CPC in your reports. In one of my sites where I get most of my visitors from Sri Lanka I earn 0.03$ from almost 10 clicks. Definitely not recommended to use if you are not getting US traffic.

How to Increase your InfoLinks Earnings

In the above sections of the InfoLinks review  I discussed about advantages and disadvantages of InfoLinks, In this section I will discuss few things you can do to  increase your InfoLinks earnings.
Choosing an InfoLink color - By default green is the color assigned to your ad units and it does tend to perform very well. You can choose a different ad color if you want the links to look more natural and not like advertisements. Its always a good idea to choose pleasing colors like green and light blue.
Choosing Category - In the integration section you will find a place to define the category, which determines the type of the ads you will receive. This helps a lot in increasing your click through rate, because then you will get more targeted ads. More clicks mean more money.
Ad Placement Control - You have the option of choosing which sections to displays InfoLink ads by using INFOLINKS_OFF and INFOLINKS_ON tags. This way you can show more of your ads withing the post content instead of places like previous posts, Introduction text etc.
At the time of writing this InfoLinks Review I have being using it for almost a year my conclusion is that if you are getting lots of US traffic then it is a great way to increase earnings from your blog, if not your better off looking for another service.

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